Media Kit

Welcome to the SOAR® Study Skills Media Kit!

Susan Kruger, author of soar study skillsWe appreciate your time and interest in our mission to help students (along with their parents and teachers) become more successful and develop greater confidence.

Below you will find links that are exclusive to our Media Kit, intended to provide information that may be of pertinent interest to you. However, we also encourage you to visit our About Us page.

We have designed this page in an attempt to make your information-gathering process as easy as possible. However, we welcome you to Contact Us with additional questions. We know your time is tight and we always make it a priority to reply to media messages immediately.

Thank you for your time!


Susan Kruger Signature

SK 031915

"How Do I Feel?"
Curriculum Kit
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Self-Awareness, Self-Management,
Social Awareness, & Responsibility

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