Proven Results

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The Impact of Social Emotional Learning

More than two decades of research demonstrates that education promoting social and emotional learning (SEL) gets results. The findings come from multiple fields and sources, including student achievement, neuroscience, health, employment, psychology, classroom management, learning theory, economics, and the prevention of youth problem behaviors.

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Economic Value of SEL

$11-1 ROI

The average return on investment for six evidence-based programs is 11 to 1, meaning for every dollar invested there is an $11 return. Read the 2015 review from Columbia University.

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SEL Leads to

Improved Academic Performance & Behavior

SEL interventions increased students’ academic performance by 11 percentile points, compared to students who did not participate in such SEL programs. Students participating in SEL programs also showed improved classroom behavior, an increased ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school. Read the 2011 meta-analysis of 213 studies involving 270,000+ students.

working in pairs
Study Says

Social-Emotional Learning Has Long-Lasting Positive Effects on Student

Students who completed social-emotional learning interventions fared better than their peers who didn't participate on a variety of indicators—including academic performance, social skills, and avoiding negative behaviors like drug use, finds the analysis, which examined follow-up data from dozens of published studies on specific interventions.

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World Economic Forum

The Future of Jobs Report

The Top 10 skills identified by the World Economic Forum all involve social and emotional competence. And research shows that social and emotional skills and attitudes also contribute to the other skills such as critical thinking.

casel logo provides information, research, and resources, to inform educators and parents on the value and benefits of Social-Emotional Learning in school, at home, and the workplace.

At Home

parent helping child

SEL for Parents

An informational video for parents on social and emotional learning (SEL). The video aims to inform parents on SEL in schools and provide them with insights on SEL in their own parenting practices in order to support their children's social and emotional know-how.

casel logo provides information, research, and resources, to inform educators and parents on the value and benefits of Social-Emotional Learning in school, at home, and the workplace.

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