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Spring 2020: ADDitude Magazine

June 3, 2020

Susan Kruger wrote this article for the Spring 2020 edition of ADDitude Magazine. See the article at ADDitude Magazine under the title, “If He Looses His Joy, Nothing Else Will Matter.”

Why SOAR® Social-Emotional Learning Skills Curriculum is the #1 Alternative to the Second Step SEL Curriculum

May 29, 2024

Are you seeking an engaging, effective, and relatable Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum for your students? Look no further! The SOAR Social-Emotional Learning Skills Curriculum stands out as the premier alternative to the Second Step SEL Curriculum for several compelling reasons. Addressing the Common Criticisms of Second Step 1. Cost: Many educators and administrators have voiced…

Mindfulness: Resetting Your Brain

June 19, 2023

Mindfullness is a simple, yet powerful way to reset your brain.  So, what is mindfulness exactly? Think about a time you’ve been working on a computer.  Have you ever reached a point where the computer seemed to be lagging, moving slowly, or simply not working properly?  You might find that rebooting the computer makes a…

How to Help Students Manage Anxiety

September 22, 2021

The key to helping students manage anxiety is to understand what’s happening in their brain. “Emotions are the on/off switch to learning,” says Priscilla Vail, author of Smart Kids with School Problems. You and I both know this is true. We know from our own experience that it’s pretty hard to learn geometry theorems when…

Homeschooling Insights from a Refugee of War

February 14, 2021

Hi Friends, I’m sharing a post from a mother at my children’s school; she posted this on Day 1.25 of our sudden transition to “homeschooling.” I was already overwhelmed, going a little loco… and her words were a breath of fresh air! She instantly snapped me into proper perspective.  Her message comes from a very…

“Extreme Self-Care” for Parents and Teachers

February 7, 2021

Whenever life threw an exceptional curve-ball my way -one slathered in fear or grief- my late, great life-coach, Rob Berkley, would always advocate for… E X T R E M E  S E L F – C A R E ! If he were still with us today, I’m sure he’d be shouting this message…

When Addiction Changes Your Life Story

September 8, 2020

As the holidays approach, this time of year often amplifies grief. Loss of loved ones, or even loss of “what used to be” becomes more… well, MORE. I doubt anyone reading this has not been impacted by addiction… in some way, shape, or form. Today, I want to share a very important, powerful, and raw…

Processing Feelings: Why Facing Tough Stuff Hurts and Helps

April 12, 2020

Several recent situations keep bringing the topic of processing feelings to my attention. One of them was an exchange of FB messages I recently had with Liam (name changed to protect his privacy). Liam is the son of long-time family friends. He’s in his late 20s. I’ve known him since the day he was born; he’s practically…

Get Your Free “How Do I Feel?” Curriculum Kit & Trial

March 9, 2020

  Congratulations! You’ve found it… A ready-to-go Social-Emotional Learning curriculum that builds emotional intelligence in students. Your Students NEED a Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum (like yesterday)! What Is “SEL” and Why Is It Important?   Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), also known as Emotional Intelligence, is about understanding one’s self and others. It includes skills such as: Awareness of our…

Economic Value of SEL: $11-1 ROI

February 7, 2020

The average return on investment for six evidence-based programs is 11 to 1, meaning for every dollar invested there is an $11 return. Read the 2015 review from Columbia University.

"How Do I Feel?"
Curriculum Kit
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Includes the SOAR Feelings Wheel, Coping Cards, Full Lesson,
& Information on...

Delivering Student Skills in
Self-Awareness, Self-Management,
Social Awareness, & Responsibility

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