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Social-Emotional Learning Demo

June 30, 2020

The Answer to World Tragedies…

June 9, 2020

Today, I want to honor the events of the past ten days. We were already in a period of extreme uncertainty, but that has grown deeper and far more poignant. I think we all feel “it” in our bones: The justice that has not been met. The wrongs that must be made right. It’s overwhelming…

Spring 2020: ADDitude Magazine

June 3, 2020

Susan Kruger wrote this article for the Spring 2020 edition of ADDitude Magazine. See the article at ADDitude Magazine under the title, “If He Looses His Joy, Nothing Else Will Matter.”

Processing Feelings: Why Facing Tough Stuff Hurts and Helps

April 12, 2020

Several recent situations keep bringing the topic of processing feelings to my attention. One of them was an exchange of FB messages I recently had with Liam (name changed to protect his privacy). Liam is the son of long-time family friends. He’s in his late 20s. I’ve known him since the day he was born; he’s practically…

Spread the LOve in Your Community

March 17, 2020

These times are tough for communities all around the world.  Join SOAR Learning in this fun and engaging way to spread the LOve in your community, just like we are in our home town of Lake Orion, MI…

Get Your Free “How Do I Feel?” Curriculum Kit & Trial

March 9, 2020

  Congratulations! You’ve found it… A ready-to-go Social-Emotional Learning curriculum that builds emotional intelligence in students. Your Students NEED a Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum (like yesterday)! What Is “SEL” and Why Is It Important?   Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), also known as Emotional Intelligence, is about understanding one’s self and others. It includes skills such as: Awareness of our…

SOAR Curriculum Trial

February 20, 2020

Design is a funny word Free Trial: SOAR SEL Skills Curriculum Educators, parents, and students… this is your opportunity to try/preview the SOAR Study Skills curriculum. Check out sample lessons in the student app, along with some assessments.  (Additional educator tools coming soon!) Whether you’re an educator purchasing for 500 students, or a parent helping…

World Economic Forum: The Future of Jobs Report

February 7, 2020

The Top 10 skills identified by the World Economic Forum all involve social and emotional competence. And research shows that social and emotional skills and attitudes also contribute to the other skills such as critical thinking. To read the full report, click here.

Social-Emotional Learning Has Long-Lasting Positive Effects on Student

February 7, 2020

Students who completed social-emotional learning interventions fared better than their peers who didn’t participate on a variety of indicators—including academic performance, social skills, and avoiding negative behaviors like drug use, finds the analysis, which examined follow-up data from dozens of published studies on specific interventions. To read the report, click here.

SEL Leads to Improved Academic Performance & Behavior

February 7, 2020

SEL interventions increased students’ academic performance by 11 percentile points, compared to students who did not participate in such SEL programs. Students participating in SEL programs also showed improved classroom behavior, an increased ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school. To read the meta-analysis of 213 studies involving…

"How Do I Feel?"
Curriculum Kit
Get It FREE!

Includes the SOAR Feelings Wheel, Coping Cards, Full Lesson,
& Information on...

Delivering Student Skills in
Self-Awareness, Self-Management,
Social Awareness, & Responsibility

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